วันพุธที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2561

command add user and local

Add local account of goat with password of  T@styHay!
net user /add goat T@styHay!
Net User Add
Now add the goat account to the local administrators groupnet localgroup administrators /add goat
Net Localgroup Add
View members of the local administrators group and make sure your new account is there
net localgroup administrators
Net Localgroup Administrators
Once you’re done, it’s polite to delete your account.
net user /delete goat
Net User Delete

Other handy account management

Show all users on the local box
net user
Disable an account
net user goat /active:no
Enable an account
net user goat /active:yes
Change a users password
net user goat T@styAlfalfa!

 ถ้าไม่ได้ลอง Net user test test

(Apply to all accounts)
 wmic UserAccount set PasswordExpires=False


(Apply to specific local account)
 wmic UserAccount where Name="user name" set PasswordExpires=False

